Monday, 8 September 2008
Avril's Concert! =]
Yo all! My dad bought me the tickets to Avril Lavigne's The Best Damn Tour concert for a surprise~~! So I went~~! And I met two friends there~~! Sadly, neither was Cheery. =[
Anyway, I was seated at the back row of the first group of seats. And I was seated behind two v. inconsiderate foreigners. But before I tell you what during the concert, let me tell you about the hyperactive Avril fan one of my friends met. Let's call my friend Fuyu.
Anyway, Fuyu arrived at the Indoor Stadium earlier with her dad, while her sister(my other friend) arrived around the same time as I with her mother. While awaiting her sister's arrival, Fuyu caught sight of a car pulling into the car park and 3 people got out. One was the HAF, one was her elder sister and the last was their mother. I'll type out what followed in script form.
Elder Sis: *acts like she doesn't know HAF*
Fuyu: 0.o?
Elder Sis: *notices people staring* *puts arm around her sis* *whisper* Stop shouting, people are starting to stare!
HAF: *in loud, obnoxious and childish tone* I don't care! I LOVE AVRIL!!!!!!!!!! WHHHHEEEEEEEEE~~~!!!!!
Elder Sis: I'm going in without you. I don't know this person! Why is she following me?!
Fuyu: O... Kay...
Mother: *couldn't care less* *walks in after her daughters*
Fuyu: That... was weird... 0.0
Wasn't that... interesting? She told me this during the interval.
The opening act was okay. The first one with the dancers was nice. Made me clap. Then everyone was like, "Alright! Avril's coming out after this! =]" Guess what happened?
Some girl we'd never seen before wearing glasses and her back-up came onstage and sang songs that had nothing to do with Avril Lavigne! AND SHE SANG ABOUT 7 - 8 SONGS! In the middle of her forth or fifth song somebody got irritated and shouted very loudly, "GO HOME!"
Which was very rude. Cos that means something like, "Go home! You stink! BOO!"
And the guitarists were being stupid, running into each other while playing the guitar and head-banging. In other words, trying to act cool, but failing and looking like complete fools instead.
Then the girl on stage sang some song I wasn't paying attention to, until a verse caught my attention.
"... YOU SUCK!" <-- a little louder than usual
So Fuyu, who was conviently seated next to me and was obviously quite annoyed, muttered, "Gee, thanks! I pay over $100 for a concert ticket to listen to Avril and you give us some girl who just insulted us! Thanks a lot!"
When the opening acts finally ended, we expected Avril to finally come onstage. Instead, the lights went back on and stupid music played from speaker. Interval~~!
Everyone: CHEY~~~~! >=[
Satoru then very urgently needed to go to the toilet, so her mother brought her there. On the way back, her mother saw Avril creeping up to the stage! 0.0!
After a few more minutes of stupid music playing, the lights went off, and Avril's name started to flash on the two screens. This prodded the bakayaros in front of us to stand and shout "AV~RIL! AV~RIL!" continuously and therefore blocking our view of the stage. So we had to stand too. And oh, happy day! The inconsiderate foreigner in front of me, a young girl, under the pretense that she couldn't see the stage, stood on the chair and blocked my view!
Me: ... *thinking all sorts of torture not repeatable*
I decided to bear with it and continued to cheer along with the others. Then Girlfriend started to play. Then, at long last, the APPEARANCE OF AVRIL! Cheers erupted into screams as she began to sing. A security guard walked past and told the girl in front of me to get off the chair. She said that she couldn't see the stage and cried. Then she pretended to get off the chair. THEN SHE STOOD UP ON IT AGAIN WHEN THE GUARD WAS GONE! >=[ Needless to say, I was furious. Very, very furious. Later, the girl left for a short while with her mother to get a better sight of the stage. Happy me. =]
Then Avril shouted a greeting to the audience and we replied with loud cheers and frantic waves of the lightsticks provided. She followed up Girlfriend with I Can Do Better. I was shocked to find that I had unconsciously been singing along with the lyrics. At the top of my voice. There was guitar-playing, a song I didn't recognise but cheered for anyway, then I noticed a pink piano being pushed onstage. Satoru, avid Avril fan she is, immediately concluded that the next song would be either When You're Gone or My Happy Ending. She was right. It was When You're Gone. More and more songs were played. (can't be bothered to list them all) I recognised all of them, except for the ones from the first album. (if you have the CD, could you burn a copy for me?) My personal favourites were He Wasn't, which I sang really loud to, and the first ever Avril song I heard, Sk8er Boi. Avril wore a hoodie with cat ears for Sk8er Boi and I sang really loudly to that one. Thanks Cheery, for singing that song to me in the first place.
I swear, everyone was in cahoots in a plot that included busting our eardrums. Then lightsticks started to rain from the heavens above.
Me: DON'T HIT ME! PLEASE DON'T HIT ME! *holds arms over head to block any objectiles with the intention to assault people*
Fuyu: Are they nuts?! What a waste!
Satoru: I wanna throw mine down too...
But she couldn't, cos we were seated in the group of chairs near the stage, in other words, the chairs not on the slopes.
It was fun, but exhausting. I was so tired after I fell asleep in the car when my dad brought me home. My dad bought me a shirt, and I bought a purse and a set of badges. And I bought the last set, cos someone asked for a set, and the eloquent reply was: "Sorry, sold out."
Thank you digital camera for the Zoom Function! =]
nic published at 18:32